In the fall of 2007 Mark Goerner's Advanced Entertainment Design Studio class at Art Center piloted a full semester of vision integration using the mVIP cards. Many of the visualizations on the web site and in other presentation materials come from that work. These students and recent graduates include:

Michael Baytion

Eric Ng
site | mVIP gallery

Shae Shatz
site | mVIP gallery (& below)

Young Jin Jo

Jerry Ortega

Gino Whitehall

Marcus Collins

site | mVIP gallery

Jason Lin

Alex Quintero

Matthew Cunningham
mVIP gallery

featured example:
Shae Shatz
Shae's hand is shown below captured from the mVIP Flash site. Through iteration he chose to de-emphasize 3 of the cards and construct a scenario from the remaining 8. He conducted detailed research on the likely impacts of the trends then extrapolated how these trends might cross impact each other in a fantastic but plausible way. A portion of his work is shown below.